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The Jesus Way
He was clear that we are called to be disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus. What does that look like?
Thankful For The Big Picture
Because God is sovereign and supremely providential, we know our lives are like a tapestry made up of threads of both good experiences.
Salt and Light
The reason we shine our light before men are so that people will see it.
Fresh Disciples Made Daily
What is the church waiting for? It is time to “GO and TELL”.
Radical Hospitality
Throughout redemptive history, the people of God have been defined by hospitality. This has not changed and is still a command and calling f
Don't Trade Steak For Beef Jerky
We cannot replace the Word of God with anything and expect Godly results in our life.
What We Do For Those We Love
It is amazing what people will do when they are hurting and in pain.
It is also amazing what people will do for those they love.
One Another
Who has God placed around you that you could love in this way? Who has he called you to “account” for?
Year of the Comeback
What are we going to do? Quit? Throw in the towel? As followers of Christ, there is only one option … we keep digging and we overcome.
It is the first day of 2021! A brand-new year always brings optimism for the possibility of new beginnings.
When Your Plan Meets Reality
Difficulty and trial will always be a real part of this life. As followers of Christ, we can take joy in knowing that they will produce real
Going To Church When You Don't Feel Like It
The most important time to go to church is when you don't feel like it. (Gunderson)
It's Only Stuff
Christ-followers should know that the blessed life really has nothing to do with what possessions we have accumulated on earth.
Killing Sin
If we are going to be passionate, Christ-following, Great-Commission, disciples of Jesus, then we are going to have to be expert hunters ski
Bible Verses That Christians Forget
We all have our favorite passages of God’s Word that speak to our lives and hearts in powerful ways when we need them most.
Perception Is Not Always Reality
Have you ever heard the phrase “perception is reality?” Some of the greatest human thinkers have ascribed to this thinking.
Tiny Prayer, Long Days
Tiny prayer, long days. This means we have no excuse as to why we can’t memorize and pray. It is short and we have the time.
It’s been said that people hate change, but I don’t think this is entirely true.
How About Going For A Walk
Prayer is powerful because the God we pray to is powerful.
Seasoned Speech
I love food! I know food is a necessity for all people, but for me, it is also a hobby of sorts. I enjoy a good meal.
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